
Block Party, A Birthday and a Day of Love

Hello again!  February was jam packed, and we had an extra day too!  The month started with Wiley's Birthday, Valentine's Day, Block Party, my Birthday and so much more. 

All of the local Churches put this block party together and it was a great time had by all!  It was a rainy cold day, so this was a perfect outing for me and my boy.  Madge turned 6 in February also, just a few days before Wiley. She had her party at our Walton Theater.  It was so fun and the kiddos were very good. 

Valentine's Day was great this year.  My sweet thang surprised me with a beautiful necklace, earrings and a picture frame.  Alice got a box of chocolates as did Wiley, a puzzle and a tervis (from her babysitter) Wiley got a new tervis too and Wooden Toy he had spotted one day at Carter's.  We celebrated by going to the Mexican Restaurant.  I am so thankful for my little family and all the time that we spend together!

I know this post was kinda jumbled but I had to combine some of our outtings into one!

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