
Today and My Birthday

Hey y'all! It has been on heck of a Monday.  Super busy at work training a new gal, not so sure how I feel about it.  Thankfully my husband beat me home from work and picked the kiddos up and we loaded up to get ferns, 7 to be exact.  Two sun ferns for huge pots by our front door, one hanging from our porch, two from our back porch and two on the swing.  The hubby again thinks I have lost my mind! We all played for a bit in the back yard and then Wild Man and I decided that it was time for my run since NO boot camp this week (spring break) wish they didn't have a week break, but I am not the boss lady ;) After a 40 minute run, home we are.  Baby is snuckered in bed and I am about to run to the grocery or should I say drive. 

I started a little challenge today.  7 days of green smoothies.  The blog that I told y'all before about is doing a little challenge and I am taking part! 

Up tonight is my Birthday celebration.  Catching up on all of our activities lately.  My sweet sweet friends got together and asked artist Amanda to come over and help teach us to paint her angels.  They are beautiful and if I say so myself all of ours our "wall worthy" .  I framed mine last weekend in Birmingham and hung it at the end of my hallway.  LOVE it and every time I look at it, I think of my friends and how much fun we had!  They all brought appetizers and Beth made my favorite dessert of her Mother's, toffee shortbread.  YUMMO and it is delish with coffee in the mornings! 

Turning 32 was great!  I have the greatest husband, kids and family a girl could ask for and the bestest (ha) friends too!!  Thanks to every.single.one. of you for celebrating my day, I had the most fun and am so thankful to have each of you. 

Our inspiration

Have a great week!


Rayne said...

Love this post!! I went running, or shall I say jogging :) yesterday too, maybe next time we can go together!

April said...

Oh my goodness at all these fun posts to catch up on! The pictures, parties, celebrations... Love them all. You are blessed with a beautiful, sweet family. You're such a good mommy. ;) Love ya girly. See you soon.

Gail@Sophisticated Steps said...

Aww, Angie! I'm so sorry I missed your birthday! :( That's what happens when I slack off the blog stuff. (Been very busy.)

Hope you had a great day. I love all the painting party pics. So fun! You look so pretty. I realized in them (b/c you don't post pics of yourself very often) that you remind me of a friend of mine in TX. ;)

Happy belated Bday!!!!