I love a birthday. Each year when it is time to sing Happy Birthday and my kids blow out their candles, I always cry.always! I try to hold back because I know people think I am a sap, but it is so hard. I am a very sentimental person. Example 1: He/She will never be this age on this day ever again. Example 2: I will never see it again...anything (my Mom had to cut a corner of the yellow shag carpet out of my bedroom as a child because....I.would.never.see.it.again. Weird I know! So when it comes to my children I am the same way. Looking at my boy tonight, I can't get over how long his legs are, how tall he has gotten and how smart and sweet he is. A few bullets below and quotes!
- Tuesday morning, I had 5:30 am boot camp. So getting ready is always kinda a rush in this home. Dad stays home and goes into work later 2 days a week just so I can get my sweat on. I swear this is leading up to it...My sister's children were staying with my parents since it was their S.B. so I let WD skip school (too bc only 38 kids at his preschool/Kindergarten had the FLU and STREP--so we skipped a few days to be safe) Robin met up at Jack's so I could get him a biscuit when I got W one. (normally my child gets homemade pancakes and bacon or muffins or biscuits and sausage...that.I.COOK.) HERE WE GO: Wiley tells Rob 3 times he loves him and he hopes he has a great day...When Robin went to wake him that morning, Wiley said Dad are you feeling a little better this morning (He was a little sickly the night before). How thoughtful of him to ask his Daddy if he was feeling better! Right?!!! So driving away from Jack's he said "Mom, why do I love him so much? I mean I love him A.LOT. MOM!
- I hear him talking to his Sister and tells her she is the cutest baby and that she says the cutest things baby.
- "Can persons eat it?" Eat what Wiley? "Maple cured Salmon" he had been watching cartoons
- While riding his bike along side of me while I was running Monday, he ran over a dead squirrel in the road. He said "Was he asleep" UGH NO son, he was dead as a door nail because he did not look both ways before crossing the road!
- He is loving baseball practice with his Daddy in the backyard
- Loves digging in the dirt. His speciality is Strawberry Melter Cake (been making it for years now)
- Basketball...the boy can shoot hoops
- Really loving legos these day. Whether it is buying the kits to put together or lego games for the Wii
- He is still tiny but getting really tall...He wore camo shorts he got for his 3rd Birthday from Uncle Paul tonight. 3 years he has gotten out of those shorts! nice ;)
I have lots of pictures from "OUR day" usually our day is Friday afternoons, but I took off half a day to spend with him on his birthday!
Can't start our day with out a front door photo before school!
Toy Story is what he wanted for his school party--2 years in a row ;)
Best Dad ever to come to his party at School
Wiley went home with my Mom after his school party to work on his fort and I went back to teeth making for a bit. I picked him up around 2 ish and asked him what did he want to do. "Go to the Coffee Shop" So off we went for coffee, cookies and chocolate covered strawberries! Next I had a surprise for him. He and I go to the Library on our date day (Friday), He always has to use my card because you have to be 6 to get your very own library card. I drove around to the back of the Library so he wouldn't know where we were. He kept asking, where are we? We walked up to the front and he said "You are the best MOM, you remembered that when I turned SIX I could get my very own library card"--melted me! Next I said where to. Holley's Farm and Garden. The best place in Selma! They have everything, I kid you not. Our house was built in the 60's, and if we need anything fixed, that is the place to go, I promise they have parts to faucets that date back to then! Any who--they have FISH too and baby ducks and chicks. But my boy wanted a new fish. His "passed" as he will say about 2 years ago. Parachute was the first to die and Opossum was the next (he named them when he was 3) SO we got a new fish. He had to be blue and red like Opitmus Prime (transformer), now our fish's name. After that, we just went home and chilled out for a bit! It was a great day!
We love you Wiley, Wiley Boy and Wild Man. You make everyday more special.
The transformers fish name cracks me up...hilarious! Happy belated birthday Wiley!
Great post and love how well you documented everything! I LOVE that he loves the library!!! I am NOT a sap- yet- but I would have cried too! Unless it is the pregnancy hormones talking!
So sweet. It's hard to watch them grow up. :( But, growing up means he can do more stuff! (Like hunt those bucks with Dad. Haha.) Cute bday post for him. It's great to record your thoughts about it all. (I love looking back at my old posts about the kids and seeing how they've grown.)
My oldest turns 11 next month!!! So, 6 isn't so bad, huh? ;)
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