
Central Alabama Fair Part I

Candy Apple lips

The town Fair rolled around the 1st week of October again this year and it was chilly!  Baby was barely 5 months old and it was way to cold last year so she stayed with our babysitter.  Of course I was sad because I wanted her to "see" the fair or was it for everyone to "see" her--well both :)  So this year the same thing..way to cold for her to be in the night air after being sickly so she didn't get to go again :(  I just knew she would love it too!

Big boy wanted to go straight to the back this year and ride the B.I.G. rides.  I couldn't believe it and Robin rode all of them with him, except one!  As they were standing in line for the paratroopers Lucy (1st grade) and Avery (4th grade) were in front of them.  Well it was time for the girls to get on and Wiley looked at his Daddy and said "Dad can I ride with the girls" after the girls screamed...WILEY come ride with us, he was gone!  I was fearful of course because he is still a baby boy at 5, but Robin insisted he was big enough now...tear :'(
Avery, Wiley and Lucy

Swing = Me a nervous wreck!

See my fellas in the way back!

Barron and Wiley

A baby chick


Bumper Cars

This pretty much sums up the night!  We ended it with a couple of baseball throws at the dunking booth and my little guy NAILED it!!!  And his precious face says it all as he walks away with pride that he GOT HER!!

This post is Part I of our Fair week because guess what?!!  It warmed up and we were able to take Sister Bear back on Friday--The weather was perfect and the crowd was minimal!!

Good Night and God Bless!

1 comment:

April said...

We rode over Saturday. There's nothing like the Central AL Fair!! Love that your little man is a thrill seeker. Is he tall? Poor Mac wasn't even close this year as far as being tall enough to ride those rides. Grant was finally tall enough. He loved them too. I'm like you, though, it makes a momma nervous. Can't wait for Part 2.